At the end of RMAA’s 2021/2022 Season we sent out a survey. The following questions came from that survey. If you have questions that you would like answered please reach out and we will add to the list below as required

  1. Why does registration open so early (April 1)?

We decided as a board that it was important to give everyone an affordable payment schedule. We stretched it out even further (from October to December) since entering a pandemic.

  1. Why do you close registration on June 15?

This is an important one. We don’t actually close registration, but we only fill to capacity after this point. RMAA currently has ice for 8 teams. On June 15th we decide which levels that ice is allocated to based on how many teams we have at each level. If we have more participants than teams, we have all summer to come up with a plan and find more ice. We do create a waiting list if required after June 15th. We have never to date had to cut anyone from our association (except for goalies). There is also an early bird discount ($100.00) when registering before June 15th.

  1. Why do we let imports in? And when can they register?

Priority registration is given to our 3 towns. We do not allow any imports to register until after June 15th. If after June 15th we have room, then anyone from outside communities is welcome to join us.

  1. How are coaches picked?

Anyone interested in becoming a coach is welcome to apply on our website. Near the end of evaluations, a committee sits down to determine head coaches. Head coaches with the help of our coach coordinator then select assistant coaches.

  1. Are we a fair play association?

No, RMAA is not a fair play association, but it is encouraged. We are a community hockey association, and every player matters and is important to each team regardless of the tier that team falls into. Fun fact there are several U18AAA teams that are fair play. RMAA encourages all of its coaches to follow fair play guidelines.

  1. Where can we find information about RMAA’s financials?

On our website under “About Us” you can find all our meeting minutes as well as the budget when it comes out.

  1. Evaluations?

Previously RMAA evaluations have been run by a committee. RMAA is always looking to improve this process and is looking into alternative options for next season.

  1. Ice times? Why are they so late? It’s past my bedtime

It’s past our bedtime too! However, each town gives priority to the younger hockey players, and we come second unfortunately. What that means is later ice times for us to accommodate ALL of the athletes in all three towns.

  1. How do we become a board member?

Our board is always looking for new members. We have quite a few positions opening up this year to either shadow or take on immediately. If you are interested in becoming a board member, please email

  1. If we have missed one of your questions please feel free to reach out and we will answer as soon as possible.


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